Sant Vicenç dels Horts
2 travelers
NewBest Owner
4 secure placesSeats with seat belts
4 sleeping spacesComfortable sleeping area for 4 persons
Licence BYour car license is sufficient to drive this vehicle weighing less than 3500 kg
Verified documentThe vehicle registration document is certified by us as being in order
Authorised travel abroadThe owner authorises his vehicle to travel in several countries
Pets welcome on boardYour pets can be part of the trip!
Instant bookingEasier and quicker!
Our team is always at your service
More convenience with our payment facilities
Our team offers you alternatives in case of last-minute problems
Modulable en cuanto al numero de camas para dormir, creando mas espacio interior eliminando la litera en caso de no ser necesario.
Incluye, TV, Mesa y sillas de exterior, sensor de gases interior del vehículo, barbacoa y utensilios, Cable conexión luz y manquera para llenado agua, alargo, cuerda 25m, armarios, perchas, mantel, cubertería, olla, sarten, cafetera, vasos, escurridor, productos de limpieza, Liquido WC químico, botiquín primeros auxilios, pack triángulos y chaleco, radio, Bluetooth, GPS, cámara de marcha atrás. Gas GLP.
Bunk beds
140x192 cmBunk beds
140x192 cmRefund terms vary depending on the date of cancellation of the booking.
The exact address will be communicated to you when the booking is confirmed.
From €85/day