Converted van
Santa Eugènia de Berga
3 travelers
4 secure placesSeats with seat belts
4 sleeping spacesComfortable sleeping area for 4 persons
Licence BYour car license is sufficient to drive this vehicle weighing less than 3500 kg
Verified documentThe vehicle registration document is certified by us as being in order
Unauthorised foreign travelThe owner does not authorise his vehicle to leave the country
Pets not allowedYour pets will not be able to be part of this trip
Free and non-binding rental request!
Insurance included or Enhanced Protection, the choice is yours!
Our team offers you alternatives in case of last-minute problems
Our team is always at your service
More convenience with our payment facilities
Renault Trafic 140 HP (6 speeds) CAMPER
• Campervan to travel and sleep 4 people (raising roof and sofa bed).
• Stationary Heating and Air Conditioning.
• Hot and cold water (indoor and outdoor) with instant gas boiler
• Kitchen with 2 burners and 40 l refrigerator with freezer area
• 220v charger (with inverter) + 12v charger + solar panel (with control panel)
• Swivel seats with armrests
• Insulators for the windows (darkeners)
• Indoor and outdoor table + 2 folding chairs
• Includes kitchenware + tableware with cutlery for 4 people and mattress protection sheet.
And if you have questions during the trip about how the camper works, we also have some explanation videos that will surely help you resolve them!!
Rock and roll bed
120x190 cmPop up roof bed
135x200 cmRefund terms vary depending on the date of cancellation of the booking.
The exact address will be communicated to you when the booking is confirmed.
Benvolgut/da amant dels viatges, Som la Núria i en Toni i ens plau presentar-te una oportunitat única per fer dels teus viatges una experiència inoblidable. Tenim a la vostra disposició una furgoneta camper totalment equipada, dissenyada per brindar-vos totes les comoditats d'una llar mentre exploreu el món al vostre ritme. Imagina despertar amb vistes a la muntanya, descansar prenent un refrigeri a la platja, visitar els paratges i ciutats més interessants o contemplar els estels des de la comoditat del teu llit. Amb la nostra furgoneta camper, podreu fer tot això i molt més. Si us agrada gaudir de la llibertat de viatjar com a nosaltres, us convidem a que ens contacteu i us regaleu aquesta experiència única, sense horaris ni restriccions, amb la tranquil·litat de tenir sempre un lloc còmode i acollidor on descansar. Esperem tenir notícies vostres aviat! Salutacions cordials, Núria i Toni
From €60/day